Why the Med Sea Alliance is needed

The Mediterranean Sea is a vital source of food security and livelihoods for millions of fishers and local people across 25 countries and territories. It is also the most overfished sea in the world and faces multiple, interconnected threats.

With 58% of fish stocks overexploited, marine habitats being degraded, biodiversity loss accelerating, and climate change impacts compounding these problems, human activity is stripping the Mediterranean Sea of its natural vibrancy and resilience.

The communities who share this unique body of water are faced with an immense collective challenge. Renewed efforts, innovative solutions, and greater momentum are urgently needed to ensure a sustainable, thriving future for the Mediterranean Sea and its fisheries on which so many depend.

Now is the time for collective action across the Mediterranean region to reverse the unfolding marine crisis. That is the goal of the Med Sea Alliance.

Good coalitions are stronger than the sum of their parts. NGOs have much more leverage with governments when they work well together. We look forward to working with the Med Sea Alliance to achieve that same impact in the Mediterranean.

Steve Trent, Environmental Justice Foundation, Executive Director

We believe that together we are stronger. Our combined actions and expertise can forge a new conservation approach to marine resources that is founded on equitable, transparent, long-term sustainability for the collective benefit of current and future generations and the biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea.